He sees (even) you

As I scrolled social media, I stumbled on a photo that made my heart ache just a bit. I saw a friend accomplish a goal I longed to accomplish. That tiny square punched me in the gut. It made me feel like I was too far behind.

Lies, lies, lies.

And guys, I know.

I know I am supposed to say, “Cheer louder for her!” I know the right thing to do was comment some happy thoughts about how I am in her corner. I was supposed to simply encourage her in that moment and not compare.

The thing is: I really am happy for her. But in that moment, I felt unseen.

Can you relate?

Maybe it’s not a goal that you see someone reaching that takes your breath away. Maybe it’s a picture-perfect family. Or the laughter you hear in a video, knowing genuine laughter has been taken from you a long time ago. Or it could be the house you long for in someone’s feed. Or the clothes she can buy. Or the friendships someone else has

…you get it. It’s fill-in-the-blank something.

We want to cheer louder, but sometimes, if we’re honest, we feel left behind.

We feel unseen. Unloved. Un-everything.

In my not-so-pretty-moment, I sank to the floor of my office and cried out to God.

Crumpled up in a ball, I whispered, “I feel so unseen.” I started peeling back all of my disappointments. Pulling back all of my pain, my grief and my sadness,

It wasn’t pretty. My words weren’t earth-shattering. I just needed Him. I needed God to meet my heart where I was in that moment.

And friends, I just want to say. God sees.

He saw into a tiny office on a tiny street in a tiny city in a tiny state in a tiny nation in a tiny continent in a tiny planet in a big universe.

He saw me.

It might not feel like it right now. But God. My God. My-I-am-so-real. My I-am-so-powerful. My moving-mountains-best-friend-full-of-grace God…

…He sees.

And listen, He may not give you exactly what you are currently pining after, because goodness knows, that thing is probably not fulfilling.

But know what He does give? All of Himself. All of His love. All of His power. And He will probably move some mountains while He’s at it.

Just give Him time and your honest words. Watch what He will do. I promise.

Whitney Putnam