White Peach Salsa and Eden's Invitation

As we’ve transitioned from one home to another, one white kitchen countertop to a brown countertop, one pantry that had a light that worked to one that simply, er, doesn’t. It’s been tough.

In our move, we also chose not to get out all our serving ware. I’ve learned how to use pots for bowls and how to warm my coffee on the oven, sans microwave. It’s very pioneer of me and I’ve embraced this completely. I’m one stop short of a covered wagon. (smile).

I didn’t feel the unsettling at first. But after month six, life as I know it is starting to feel a bit like an itchy, old sweater. And not a colorful, happy one. A boring, tired sweater that I hope to hang up in my closet, very, very soon.

I could get in my head about this if I wanted to. Why do I care so much about my serving ware and the color of my kitchen countertops? A younger, more restless version of myself would begin to play the tape in my mind of how shallow and vain I am.

I know that tape so well, I can stick my finger in the middle of the cassette and spin it until I play it back again and again.

A more secure and well-loved version of myself can understand that my love for those things is simply because I like having my home feel settled, a place where people can come to feel know and valued.

The other day a new acquaintance shared that she had peaches in her front yard, and we could come pick them. Collins, Carter and Connolly each picked three. The clusters of peaches covered a tree with some limbs a little lower than others. My girls’ eyes were big and happy. What is that about the goodness of watching something grow to the point of picking it? Maybe it takes us back to a place that was woven into us, a place called Eden were Eve picked apples and wove branches together and the sun danced off water and there was unfiltered joy.

It felt like that under those branches for a few minutes. A small haven of Eden.

We took those peaches from that beautiful tree and decided to share them with friends. Despite our serving ware, lack of a cutting board and proper knives, we figured the raw materials were in our hands and we should, at least, try to create something wonderful from them.

That evening we had the most delicious peach salsa with friends in their backyard with tortilla chips mounded with chunks of onion, tomatoes and yes, peaches.

We can wait to live or we can decide to take the raw materials in our hands and do something with them. We can make living the priority rather than perfection, and in so doing, we find ourselves walking a little further into Eden. Sometimes it only takes one peach tree and the invitation to partner with God, bringing heaven to earth with the very raw materials all around us.

White Peach Salsa Recipe

Whitney’s note: I never, ever measure lime juice, I just make sure I have an abundance. Lime juice makes this, in my humble opinion. And the bigger the chunks of tomatoes and onions the better. I want to taste my food and really get to bite into it. So, the chunkier the salsa the better.

1 lb tomatoes, diced
1 bell pepper (4 oz), seeded and finely diced
2 jalapenos, seeded and finely diced
1 medium onion, finely diced
1 1/2 lbs peaches, diced
1/2 bunch cilantro, chopped
2 Tbsp lime juice
1 1/2 tsp salt, or to taste
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper or to taste

Recipe from: Fresh Peach Salsa, Natasha’s Kitchen

Question: What are you waiting on to get started? What raw materials are already in your hand to start today?


Whitney Putnam